Coping with bereavement
The death of a loved one can be devastating. People react in different ways to loss. Anxiety and helplessness often come first. Anger is also common, including feeling angry at someone who has died for "leaving you behind". Sadness often comes later.
Feelings like these are a natural part of the grieving process. Knowing that they are common may help them seem more normal. It's also important to know that they will pass.
Some people take a lot longer than others to recover.
Signs and symptoms
Physical symptoms
you don't feel able to cope with overwhelming emotions or daily life
the intense emotions aren't subsiding
you're not sleeping
you have symptoms of depression or anxiety
your relationships are suffering
you're having sexual problems
you're becoming accident prone
you're caring for someone who isn't coping well
Psychological symptoms
In severe cases, you may also experience psychological symptoms, such as:
fear of losing control
fear of fainting
feelings of dread
fear of dying
Can Hypnotherapy help?
Hypnotherapy can provide support during tough times to assist both children and adults suffering from chronic grief Hypnotherapy allows the person to safely relive historical events with the now-deceased loved one through age regression imaginative involvement, and to constructively change any memories that are interfering with healthy current involvement in life. For example, if the client is obsessing over their failure to be present at the moment of death, the therapist might facilitate a creative visualisation within the state of hypnosis in which the client is present at the deathbed and has an opportunity to say everything that needs to be said.
To make an appointment or to speak to our therapists please contact us on 07795115009 or email us using the contact form below.
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